Tuesday 15 January 2008

Basic schedule plan 15/01/08

Hey JEFFY!!! erm ok I have done a basic schedule however I think we will have to tweak it a bit, here's what I have anyway

Week 1: Research and initial ideas
Week 2: Research and initial ideas
Week 3: Design development and finalisation (at the beginning of the week) and modelling towards the middle and the end of the week
Week 4: FORMATIVE, Modelling
Week 5: Modelling and rigging
Week 6: Rigging and weighting
Week 7: Weighting and animation
Week 8: Animation and rendering
Week 9: premiere and after effects

Now personally I think if we do go with this schedule we will might have a few problems!!! if there is anyway you think we can make it better because I feel this schedule doesn't really leave much room for error!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

hey- liking the schedule. Was planning to talk to you bout finalising that today (weds-16th)
I think if we sit down and just chat how realistic it is trying to model and animate- what do we want to specialise in? Talk to ya laters!