I learnt
alot about my skills within animation in this project. Although I would really love being a modeller and rigger and be able to make the characters that I have
designed, I have realised that I am really not blessed with those kind of skills and need to develop them
alot more. I have never really seen myself as an animator however I am strongly reconsidering that pathway. I started to really enjoy animating when I had a rig that worked well, there was so much you could do with it. My only regret was not thinking of the idea sooner to use
pre- set rig to really go for the animation side of things with more time I believe I could of developed my skills even more.
At the beginning Jeff and I had decided that we were going to focus on building up skills that we were not
necessarily comfortable with but also incorporate ones that we liked. So the two main factors we picked were 2D concept and animation. We ended up doing to a certain extent all four areas because to get to the end sequence we would need to model and rig our characters.I think that we started of quite well in the project but as the project went along our focus was forced elsewhere with factors concerning other parts of our lives. However were able to
bring it back towards the end of the project. I think another problem we had was really leaving hardly anytime for error! I think next time there should be a week dedicated to any mistakes to see if we can fix them in time.
I always enjoy working with Jeff and this time was no different, he has a way of keeping factors more realistic and never panics!!!